Monday, January 17, 2011

Four Months (and three days) ago

Two and a half years ago, Zelalem Birtukan was born in Ethiopia to a very young mother. She did the best she could for him for (almost) the first two years of his life. Bouncing around from house to house, and spending some time on the streets, she loved him the only way that she knew how.

In March of 2010, she knew that love meant giving him to someone else. Zelalem means “forever” in Amharic. I know that she will forever have a hole in her heart for the decision that she made that March day.

And that forever decision changed my life.

On June 30, 2010, I received a phone call with information about a shy, reserved, two year old boy. Just hearing about his personality made me love him already. And once I saw the pictures, it was over! Baby Z was going to be my son!

As I prepared to welcome a two year old into my life, I read every adoption parenting book that I could find. I studied ways to transition him into my home, sleep patterns, and even the best developmental toys to help him learn and grow.

Larkin Elam Sanderson became a reality when I traveled to Ethiopia in August for my court date. I met Larkin on August 2nd and couldn’t get enough of him. And he seemed to feel the same way!

In September, (6 LONG weeks later), I traveled back to Ethiopia for my Embassy appointment and to bring Larkin home.

Four months (and three days) ago today, I traveled in a crowded van with other excited parents to pick up our children from the America World Transition Home. I am so thankful there aren’t seatbelt laws in Ethiopia because we were at maximum capacity (and then some) with our bundles of joy.

Each night as I lay with Larkin to put him to sleep, I am so thankful to his birthmother for her choice to allow me to be his forever mom.



About Me

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I am single, 30 year old teacher in Tennessee. I am anxiously awaiting a child from Ethiopia. I cannot wait to add this adventure to my life!