Saturday, January 31, 2009


You know the quote, "Necessity is the mother of invention" or something like that. Well, I guess that is how this blog was started. I was asked to write a story about my adoption for a radio spot to promote the concert, and it turned into a blog! I still don't know if I have an actual radio spot written, but I do have quite a few blog entries.

While looking for grants and such online, I have found that many organizations are opposed to giving money to single women. They feel that the best way to raise an adopted child, or any child for that matter, is with a husband and wife. Well, duh! But at this point, I don't have a husband, and I don't feel that I should wait for said husband before I adopt. My child will have the best Mommy I know how to be, and one day he or she will have an awesome father. And I feel that a life with me would be better than a life in an orphanage. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand their viewpoint. But it still ticks me off a little.


  1. Well they say it takes a village to raise a child, but if all you have are a bunch of village idiots, then there is no hope for the child!

    I'm proof positive that all it takes is the ONE! For 26-27 years of my, almost, 30 year life I have been raised by a single mom. She has been my support system, my cheerleader and my rock. She has pushed me to be the best and to always reach for the stars. I believe that you will be this kind of mother, one that knows when to lay down the law and when to cradle them in your arms and tell them that everything will be OK. You are an amazing person with a huge heart. Your life story is one for the history books and filled with tales of hope and miracles. You will never be alone - you have a wonderful family that is here to support you through this process and help (whether you want is or not) raise this child.

    I believe the phrase is “All you need it LOVE” and honey you’ve got plenty to share.

  2. thank you so much for posting your thoughts.

    i have long thought about adopting but the cost and the brink wall of single adoption is kind of off putting. i congratulate you on your drive to give a little one a loving home. i think glancing through this has once again lit the flames of my heart.




About Me

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I am single, 30 year old teacher in Tennessee. I am anxiously awaiting a child from Ethiopia. I cannot wait to add this adventure to my life!